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Our understanding is that the DNA in every cell is responsible for re-enacting what has been recorded in our past, in a way, like looping onto itself. The DNA not only serves to record, it also plays back what has been recorded in the past, in manifesting our present. Then, through this re-enactment, the emotions generated lead to the thinking patterns that are all re-recorded back into the DNA. With the increased complexity of the gathered data from generation upon generation, the highly scrambled messages of the current DNA form are formulating more and more complex diseases, making ailments more difficult to manage.  Similarly, humans are experiencing more and more complex psychological breakdown, even at a much earlier age.

Our findings have helped us to understand why we have sicknesses, why we age, and why a person’s life can be so problematic. It is because of the accumulation of events we have inherited dating back to the beginning of the universe, when consciousness first struck. It is with this understanding that we have found a corresponding solution.  

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