Our Solution

The conscious data collected and recorded is what we have termed as “codes”.  These codes are manifested in the form of wavelengths and different spectrums of energetic frequencies. Therefore, we design, develop and produce our own “codes”, which emit an equal and opposite phase of these harmonics in counteracting those frequencies as generated by the codes of our DNA structure.  

In doing so, when we apply the codes upon our DNA, we witnessed a neutralisation effect of the data that has been stored in our DNA chain, which is responsible for the manifestation of our highly damaging emotions.  By altering the messaging systems in the synchronicity of the cells, we tend to be able to help stabilise the psychological environment / perception of a given person.  By re-programming and re-educating the mindset of a cell, the host / person will then be given a chance to have a more balanced outlook and be more appreciative of all things, rendering a more positive outcome in the ventures and challenges of life.

At PICER we offer a wide range of highly specialized products, services and therapies, specifically targeted to helping those ready to take the necessary steps to change. What we offer is much more than a solution to daily problems. It's a chance to  experience complete rejuvenation, real health, and a sense of inner peace.

We offer the following solutions: