
Some of our clients are in search of truth and will be attracted to our educational program. They may not want to look into their health or more deeply into their life yet, so they will simply come and attend the symposiums (our educational program).

We currently offer levels one to four. Every level consists of a 6 hour tutorial for a period of two days, making each level approximately 12 hours long. The first level talks about the basics of life; where life comes from, what is consciousness, why we are here. We actually respond to the questions that the world is interested in, which are very basic questions that no one else has been able to answer, as of yet.

Brief course outline:

1) Introduction to Life Mechanics - What is consciousness? An eye opener

In our first Symposium, we introduce how consciousness was formed through the formation of the physical universe, and its elements; and how it is related to our cognitive structures, which in terms help formulate the DNAs that propel us into who we are today. Through the introduction of "viewing", for the first time, we can see the "codes" that made up the "senses" of elements and how the qualities of these elements are responsible for giving rise to our own cognitive structures, and how they fuel our perception, hence the Ego. We would then learn to interpret how these very codes are driving our psycho-logistic patterns through a demonstration of a "scan" on a person's cognitive structure, in recognising the relevancy between these codes and the issues they are being bind to in this lifetime.

2) Life Mechanics 2 - Changing our Destiny

In our first Symposium, we introduce how consciousness was formed through the formation of the physical universe, and its elements; and how it is related to our cognitive structures, which in terms help formulate the DNAs that propel us into who we are today. Through the introduction of "viewing", for the first time, we can see the "codes" that made up the "senses" of elements and how the qualities of these elements are responsible for giving rise to our own cognitive structures, and how they fuel our perception, hence the Ego. We would then learn to interpret how these very codes are driving our psycho-logistic patterns through a demonstration of a "scan" on a person's cognitive structure, in recognising the relevancy between these codes and the issues they are being bind to in this lifetime.

3) Life Mechanics 3 - Re-programming our cognitive structures, the formula to success

Through the past two symposiums of discussions, we have touched upon many concepts; yet they were presented mainly in a theoretical view point hence, all the information given may not present to the audience how we can put all such information into perspective in order for them to apply them in their lives.

4) Life Mechanics 4 - Secret to Longevity

Since the beginning of humanity, the field of medical science has been trying to look for the key to longevity.  In this symposium, we use our proprietary technique of "viewing" to guide our guests to examine the different life forms on earth that are capable to last through the millennia.  From the "viewing", we identify the typical traits that are common to the make-up of the "cognitive structures" for those creatures that outlived our forebearers.  We then examine the question on whether old age can be reversed.  If so, what are the secrets to forever youth? Is there such a thing as a "magic pill"?

please visit our desktop site for more information on the symposiums.

For Enquiries & Enrollment please contact us at:
+852. 21678661
