About Us

Twenty five years ago, founder David D’I was seeking a solution to his father’s sudden stroke, leading him to examine why people get sick and age prematurely.  

In the year 2000, seeing the need to further help people understand their illness and problematic issues, David formed an R & D team and founded The Amita Institute.   Beginning with a fresh and curious mind, using simple logic, common sense and high school physics, trialand error, and a very unique set of skills devised by the team to view and study the complex codes as emitted by our cells, they were able to make out the commands and messages sent out by our cells and deconstruct these codes in order to understand how they affect our emotions, psychology, and thinking patterns, which we now know, are the very cause of our failing organs. They observed clients were becoming more youthful, healthy and happy just by listening to David’s concepts and gaining a deeper understanding of themselves.This was a breakthrough for the R & D team as they discovered that theeducation was a ‘code’ helping to re-program the clients’ inherited thinking patterns (inherited program). This “code of knowledge” gave them a more neutral outlook on life and helped ease their discomforts.

These findings also led the R & D team to discover a very unique technology thatallows them to take the codes from the educational course, and transpose them into products and services, helping people to change more quickly. This technology launched PICER (The Psycheprimus Institute for Cognitum Engineering Research) in 2008.

Based upon the complex needs of the clients, the technology evolved and R & Dbegan to expand their range of products, treatments and services. They also identified people’s preoccupation with their physical appearance, and saw a great opportunity to help relieve the underlying cause of their issues through skin care products.

These findings helped to launch <<en:code>> laboratories in 2013, a skincare line focused on the neutralization of frequencies and radiations being emitted from the emotions, which we found to be the leading cause of skinaging. Unlike many leading studies which associate aging to external stimulants, we turned our attention to the issues inherent through ourheritage. We turned our focus inwards to address the very origin of the cause.

In 2013, <<en:code>> laboratories opened its first wellness centre inHong Kong, offering specially designed products and treatments using ourproprietary technology.

Then in 2015, R & D’s research led them to the longevity region of Bama in China where they have been successfully extracting codes from the plants to use in anew skin care range launching later this year; Picer-Plus series.
