Product Details

Female Cleanser

Female Cleanser

The codes in this cleanser directly access thevaginal cavity, the uterus, and associated lymph’s in helping to prevent thereproduction of abnormal cells. Reduces vaginal discharge and inflammation ofthe uterus. Alleviates discomfort during menstruation. Minimizes issuesassociated with uterus and vaginal cancer.

Special features:

Available in 3 different types.

  • Type A:  helps to alleviate emotions associated withfear, anxiety and insecurity.

  • Type M: addresses discomfortsduring menstruation associated with bloating, swelling and excessive bloodflow.

  • Type N: suitable for those witha high risk of cervical cancer, and for those suffering from cervical cancer.


Mix 10ml of the female cleanser into 1490ml of distilledwater and insert. 100ml total per usage. Insert cleanser into vaginal cavity anduse 2-3 times daily.

Ingredients: Aqua; prepared with Photon Infused Coding Technology ™