Product Details

Mysty Spray

Mysty Spray

Brings clarity of mind,enhances analytical abilities, improves work quality and efficiency.Promotes harmonious rapport with others, making it easierto resolve disagreements and conflicts.

Special features:

  • Promotes good quality sleep

  • Helps to reduce body odour

  • Creates a refreshing atmosphere


Spray around yourselfand around the environment before meetings and gatherings. Spraydaily in common areas such as the sitting room, bedroom, bathroom andareas where mildew may easily accumulate. Spray on pillow before sleeping toimprove sleep quality.

Ingredients: Aqua; prepared with Photon Infused Coding Technology ™

User Feedback

Ms. Cheung, 50+yrs, Saleslady

After my friend used the Mysty to clean my glasses, and I put my glasses on and I found the glasses were much clearer and cleaner than I cleaned in the eye vision shop.  After wearing the glasses back for a short while, I found my eyes were also much relaxed, this was amazing, I would not be able to figure out how could this “Mysty” not even could help to clean a pair of glasses but also helpful in relaxing the eye balls that no eye’s drops could make such effect.

November 2014, Hong Kong

Maria Salouvardou, 40+yrs, Hair Stylist, Artist

I use Mysty irregularly but one day that was very crucial for me, the day I was signing the contract of the selling of my house, I used Mysty every hour and  this helped me from big anxiety. I did spray regularly that day and got the feeling of calmth and trust that all is all right, all will go fine. It was a very challenging day full of contradictions and obstacles. And I was calm,  and silent. Mysty is one of my favorites. I carry it in my bag mostly. Thank you.

2016, Switzerland

Jackie, 50+yrs, Secretary

Using PICER mysty spray work place e.g. desk, chair, monitor, keyboard every morning before start work, I found it creates a harmony environment and I feel more peaceful and mind is more clear than before. Work become smoother.

2015, Hong Kong

Ms. Mo, 50+yrs, Civil Servant

It was a few years ago when my colleague's father became very  ill unexpectedly and was hospitalized. My colleague was taken aback and  did not know how to react to the situation .   He  was looking  very stressed and  I did not know what to say  to  him to make him feel better.  Then it occurred to me that I could use Mysty to spray his office space to make him feel better.   So every morning I sprayed his office  space   before he came in. He then became  much calmer. There was a day on which I had to attend a meeting before coming in the office, so I did not get to spray Mysty in his office space  and upon my arrival at the office, other people  told me that my colleague  was  rather grumpy that morning  ! So I sprayed his office space while he has gone for lunch and then he became calm again in the afternoon.  

2014, Hong Kong