Product Details

GTI (Genome Tracker Interface)

GTI (Genome Tracer Interface)

Enhances the proper functioningof the oesophagus, liver, heart, small intestines and kidneys. Aids digestion.Alleviates stomach discomforts and relieves nausea.

Special features:

  • Minimizes digestive discomfortsrelated to emotional issues, invoking more calmness and wellbeing.  


Ingest one piece after meal.

Place on tongue to help dissolve, chew and swallow.  

Ingredients: Aqua*, Potato Starch, Purified Water, Food Colouring, Vegetable Oil

*prepared with Photon Infused Coding Technology™


User Feedback

Ms.Mo, 50+yrs, Civil Servant

Ever since my child hood , I have always been feeling cold in my limbs so I had to wear more clothes than others.  I would be seen wearing long sleeves even in the blazing Summer sun. It was particularly obvious in large family gatherings in which  I would mostly be wearing a layer or two more so than my relatives. The situation reversed after my taking GTI for about 6 months, I no longer felt the coldness in my limbs and found that I was wearing fewer layers of clothing than most of my relatives.  

2016, Hong Kong