From Loneliness to Happiness, is it really possible? (May-June 2018 Workshops)


From Loneliness to Happiness, is it really possible?

An invitation to our Heart-Centred Energy Workshops in Xi'an, China, where the Silk Road starts.

Are you looking for a Big Life change and Transformation?

Do you long for lasting friendships and a happy life?

Workshop dates in May and June, 2018

Three Workshop dates you can choose from:

May18th – May 21st, 2018 (4 days, Fri-Mon)

June22nd – June 25th, 2018 (4 days, Fri-Mon)

June27th – June 30th, 2018 (4 days, Wed-Sat)

(You can add additional days to each workshop)


Our Workshops are held inEnglish and Chinese

Cost of energy workshop:

12,000 CNY (Chinese currency)

1,900 USD (US currency)

1,565 EURO (European currency)

To register, arrange a payment, find out about travel and accommodation, or for any further inquiries, please contact us at:

Dave Mathes
WhatsApp + 852 9807 3594

WeChat: mathes-dave

Marilyne Kohn

WhatsApp + 852 9198 8996

WeChat: marilyne-amitan


Please click here for more details of our upcoming workshops!
