Frank Rihm, 40yrs, Psychotherapist, Germany


Since I met Picer 4 months ago my life has changed very much in certain ways. I am very grateful for that, because at that time my life hadbeen coming to a halt, I had stopped to dream, where my life could go to. Andworst: I had stopped to believe that for me there was more to get in life ? more happiness, more satisfaction. My life was not too bad, but in clear moments I felt that I got more and more dissatisfied.   Then I met Picer and an exciting journey began. When David modulated me the first time it felt like coming home. I became very calm, was touched deep in my heart and felt suddenly in peace with me and the world.   Since that time the team works with me on a regularschedule. The method works in an elegant, smooth way, going straight to theessence. Energies come afloat, experienced by me as emotions, thoughts and bodysensations. Once afloat they can be dealt with. And I am convinced that thiswhole process is carried by a deeper inner knowledge that gives its approval.   Being a psychotherapist I had to deal not only with theclients psychic problems, but also with my own. I learned and developed a lot,but I always felt that some of the deep inner roots of all the problems werestill untouched. Now they come to the surface and at the beginning it was quitedifficult to handle. But I experience it to become easier more and more.   It is touching me deeply how warmly and heartily the teamaccompanies me in this process. Their absolute sincerity and commitment givesme the feeling even in difficult moments to be hold and “secure”. As a resultthere can grow more and more trust in my process.   Picer is making very clear, that there is no difference between illness, communication problems between people, problems at work,having an accident and emotional problems. The team is living up to this beliefand through this they show again and again, that there is much less separationin the world, than my mind wants to make me believe.  

Nothing seems to be more or less important, everything isright, has its place and is connected. In one moment I am surprised not to needany painkillers after being at the dentist. Next moment I feel how my negativethinking is melting away. Instead I feel peaceful and balanced. Couple of hourslater I am wondering, why I almost had an accident, and again couple of hourslater I am dealing with my ancestors influence on my life. And that’s allconnected and part of my life.   So the team is doing a real integral kind of work, and moreand more I experience that all things are connected and an effect of the sameenergies. And slowly I don’t feel like an isolated part in a world of separatedparts anymore. I experience, that all things that happen to me belong together and belong to me. I feel more and in a deeper way connected to life. - At thesame time it is a real challenge for my ego wanting to control and to feelindependent! But this whole process is going so smoothly and organic, that even my ego can not resist very long.  

Frank  Wednesday, June 20, 2007
