Naldo Vilas, 40+yrs, Interpretor, Macau


A Profound Experience.

Greetings to you all ! I am Naldo, a Macau born Portugues eand currently working as a translator for the Macau Government.

At the end of Year 2000, I had a growth of ossein lump. Its size was half a ping pong ball, at the outer-side of my left calf. I wasi ntroduced to Mr. David Di and PICER via a close friend from Tian Jin. I have started off as a patient and later became a student. Since then, I have been coming to Hong Kong on a regular basis to consult David and join in PICER’s research and treatment sessions along with the other students. Only during recent years I was precluded from active participation due to a busy schedule at work.

As I recall, the ossein lump on my calf reduced in size after a year or so of treatment, study, and understanding and application of the theory.

In actual fact, other than the ossein lump, I also had other physical and emotional issues. Since I was a child, I have been having diarrhea every couple of days. No matter where I went, I had to carry anti-diarrheal with me. When I was 21 years old, I began to have Sciatica. When at its worst moments, the pain was so intense to that I could neither stand, sit nor sleep; my teeth rotted away. I was always boiled up with rage and lost my temper over trivia of life. At the worst stage of my temper, I would greet other drivers with my middle finger or have the urge to get out of my car to give them abash. Fortunately, other drivers locked up their car doors and drove away. If it was not for that, there would have been casualties. My pessimism and small-mindedness grew worse day after day. I was also bothered by the poor quality of sleep for a good while. All these problems were relieved after I have come in contact PICER. However, there have been relapses on occasions. It was not until I started using *PCCM, since about a year or two ago, and GTI, from about half a year ago, that my conditions have really become stable. To begin with, my back pain disappeared, my digestive system became normal, my teeth would no longer rot away, the ossein lump has ceased to grow in size after these many years. As for my temper, there has been considerable improvement. I would not fly into a rage when I do not get my way. Recently, there was an incident when I was using the public toilet: my bag was splattered by urine by a close-by user. I simply washed it with soap and water. Not only did I not succumb to displeasure, I was humored by the strong "water pressure”. Of course, I still grumble at times but in general, I feel more at peace and have become considerate. Because I am not as “small-minded” as before, I am able to enjoy a happier life and can get along with my family and colleagues so much better. Ever since my use of *PCCM and GTI, not only has there been improvement in my health and emotions, I have also been more than pleased with the feeling of “smooth sailing” at work, despite a more hectic schedule; I have, on the contrary, been happier day after day. All of these are the benign changes brought about through my use of *PCCM and GTI. It is a sense of joy and has also been a profound experience.

*retired product, replaced with T.I.E.

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