Rose Yeung, 47yrs, Business Owner, Hong Kong         


I had never thought that my marriage would turn out to be unsavable. That nearly made me go hysteric. Over the past year, I was like living in a whirlpool of a black hole. I was unceasingly struggling inside and hovering between different emotions - yearning, guilty, hoping to reclaim the marriage, anxiety, abandoned, lonely, unprecedented fear. Under the shadow of all these complicated emotions, how could I go on living? Although I had been struggling trying to get out of this painful awkward situation, I could not do it anyhow. I could not sleep every night crying countless tears.

Ever since I have known PICER, used their products and attended their courses, it makes me understand that there is a way out. The most important point is that if you are willing to give yourself a chance, the universe would always lead you to a new path. The most amazing thing is that, after my first session, I can quickly jump out of my old pattern of a struggling mind. I can let go and choose to be reborn. My mind is clearer. My emotion is calmed down. My perception is also enhanced. I can even be aware tomy emotion so that my behavior is no more ruled by my emotions. All of these changes is like a “miracle” happens to me.

My old life was full of puzzle and confusion feeling that everything was against my will. I was afraid of being hurt again and did not have any expectation from people and even god. However, the person I am todaycan surprisingly open my heart without fear and savor every little thing around me. I live my life with appreciation every day and I would like to send my blessings to everyone I meet now.

