Mr. Lo, 50+yrs, Lawyer Hong Kong


As a lawyer, I need to handle all sorts of legal problem for clients, many of which involve quite complicated issues. I have been using the products of PICER for several months according to the findings which they have made after doing customised configuration for me. I found out that I have made improvements in both my job performance and personal condition including inter-personal relations with others quite substantially. On job performance, I feel that I gradually have a clearer mindset, much stronger analytical power, and increase in confidence. These enable me to react and to make decisions more quickly and in a determined manner, with desired results. My relations with others, those close to me including my colleagues at work, my family members, my clients and those who I come across for whatever reason has been more harmonious than before, resulting in rapid expansion of my personal network. On the personal side, I am now enjoying better quality sleeping with fewer wake-ups during the night for going to the toilet. I can now work for long hours during the day without much tiredness as I did. In sharing my experience in these improvements over the past months, I warmly recommend PICER’s products to all especially those having to face what seems to be unexpectedly tough times or even critical moments in their lives.

