Wanda Chan, 44yrs, Health Consultant, Hong Kong


In the past 10 years, I have been studying, searching and practising ‘Healing’ with different methods. My practice is based on Counselling, Energy Healing, Cranial-Sacrum, Chiropractic, Muscle Technical Technic, Quantum Healing, NLP Practitioner etc. until I met PICER in January 2010.

I know life is not only about survival, the question of meaning and purpose is of paramount importance in my life. It has always been my drive in searching for more understanding about how LIFE works. After allthese years of practising, the more I learn the more I find how little I knowabout the Mystery of Life. Even though I have earned many clients’ positive feedback from the work that I have done with different techniques and healing methods. Deep inside my heart, I knew I could not reach the roots of the human problems. I knew there was something missing, something about the System of Universe that I did not know.

In February 2010, I attended PICER’s seminar which was hosted by Mr David D’I, the founder of PICER. David looked no different from any ordinary person, but every question David answered and every explanation he made in the seminar, I knew from that evening, I have found the right place formy missing ‘knowledge’ - the mechanics underlies the human patterns.

In the past few months, I have been witnessing my friends,my family and myself with breakthrough in different level of human issues, either on health, emotions, work, relationship, or personal issues; every experience opens up my eyes with the miracles brought about from the System of Universe that has created the HUMAN LIFE.

If you want some changes in your life; and you want to do something meaningful; and the purpose and intention you have been long for being a REAL helper in the world, and if you are still looking for answers about Life Mechanics. It is my highest recommendation to meet up with PICER.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Team of PICER; not only for their enormous hard work; but also the unconditional contribution to Humanity!

