Meon Lai, 30+yrs Hong Kong


My 6-year-old daughter Neme had a non-stop high fever and the use of *PCCM and GTI cured her! Although my family did not understand why I did not opt for neither traditional Western medicine nor Chinese medicine, however, PICER has made me understand that each illness has its complex elements. If dealing with only medicines, the root of the problem is only suppressed and it would just get even more complex and difficult to handle in the future. Thanks so very much to PICER for their help and their caring given to Neme. I’d also like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all of the PICER members. Thanks for all your effort that I could feel your love so deeply!

In May 2010, Neme first started with taking GTI. She said she feels happier and she sings relaxingly all the time. For me, after my useof *PCCM, I feel calmer and, at work, my relationship with my superior becomes less tense. The most surprising thing was that my sister told me if our whol family uses *PCCM and GTI, our life would become smoother. We doubted it – is it true? However, two weeks after my husband started taking GTI, he was getting more customers and making more sales. Really strange! Though I do not really understand it, the process that PICER cured my daughter’s obstinate fever makes me realise that there is another reality in life! Now I know that when I come across different things in our everyday life, I do not only see them from one angle any more.

* retired product now replaced with T.I.E

