Kathryn Skerys, 50+ yrs M.Psych, Clinical & Counselling Psychologist. Australia


In September 2011 I was introduced to the PICER process. In January 2012 I commenced a customised plan of treatment after a premium body scan revealed a number of serious health issues that were currently present and that were also pending in the relatively near future.

I have been 'fat' since childhood and am now at the end of my 50s. I have tried numerous diet and exercise plans throughout my life with little change. When I began the PICER process I noticed that my anxiety was reducing and the obsessive compulsive thoughts about food diminished, I also learned that I could manage food with more ease and simplify my eating patterns however my weight did not reduce, it did stop increasing.

In 2011 the water retention in my ankles was so severe that I could not buy sandals with straps long enough to close around my ankles, even from specialty shoe shops. By the next Summer, after following the PICER program, the swelling in my ankles had gone down by about half but still remained significantly swollen. I also have significant swelling around my knees, abdomen and arms.

I arrived in Hong Kong in June 2014 and requested help fromthe PICER Institute with the water retention throughout my body. In my first week I did a lot more exercise than normal walking up and down the hills of Central Hong Kong however this did not make any difference to the fit of my clothes. The following week I had the first of a series of special treatments to assist me with this issue and I also commenced using the body gel from en:code. In the first week of treatment my clothes were becoming more loose, inthe second week I found that I had lost 4 kgs of weight. After the third special treatment there was a significant change in my body. I had measured myself on the Sunday morning, received the special treatment on the Monday evening, and on Tuesday morning found that I had lost 75px at my midriff, 50px at my waist and 3 cm at my hips in two days.

These changes have been achieved without any restrictions on my food intake, in fact I have been eating out socially with people for most meals.

I, and other people, have noticed that I am walking with a lot more freedom of movement. My husband says that I am more happy and less depressed and angry since I received this treatment. I find that it gives me a hope that change is possible for me.

I look forward to continuing this treatment which is providing results I have not experienced before.


22 July 2014

