David Mathes, 55yrs, Australia  


I started to use the PICER products in 2009. It was suggested to me by my wife to help my tiredness, after working with clients when I was a psychotherapist. Immediately I was less tired! But I did not understand why. I found it quite amazing. Also my energy seemed to start to become more stable. I used to have some highs but also could be very low as well. My life seemed to become easier, smoother. I also started to notice things that would try and pull me back to feeling down, maybe certain music or a painting, and I thanked them for the journey I had with them, and started to let them go. That was a good feeling.

On a physical level even though I am 55 years old I like exercise, but in the last few years my joints were starting to become more stiff and painful. Since I have been using the PICER products I am so much looser and I find I do not have to exercise so much, but when I go for a run I have much more strength. I did have much eczema rash on my body and irritationin my eyes, especially when I travelled from Australia to China and the temperature changed dramatically. Sometimes my wife would say that I looked like an old man. Now my rash is almost gone and my eyes are fine. It seems that changes in the environment do not affect me so much.

I have two adult daughters and our relationships sometimes can be quite difficult. It has been hard to achieve steady relationships with them. The intense arguments I used to have with my older daughter have disappeared and now we are very close. She now shares her some important thoughts about life with me, that I never heard from her before. Now I really get to know her even better. With my youngest daughter it has always been difficult for us to hug, as though there has been an invisible barrier between us. Just the other day we met and she reached out and gave me a little hug anda peck on my cheek. It felt so natural, like it should always have been that way.

In early 2011 I attended the first 2 levels of the PICER training. They were very kind to start holding this training in English. The training lets you see life as you have never seen before and the world neve looks the same again. You realize and see that, yes, we really are all connected, and to everything else. After the training I came back to Australia. After a while I started to receive emails and comments from friends and colleagues with basically two comments "What is going on, you have changed" and secondly "You are friendlier than before". And I see them as friendlier too. The conflicts I used to imagine I would have I do not think about any more. I have a smile on my face, but it is not forced, it just arrives. This has made everything I do, every person I meet, an easier experience. So now my wife and I look forward to sharing these experiences into the future. As we walk together we are at the start of a new understanding of ourselves, of our relationship, and of life, that is now becoming more possible.

May 2011

