Davian, 30yrs, Shanghai


I have worked 9 years in a multi-national company, pursuinga so-called "successful" career that brought me from Canada to China. I was convinced that I was the steward of my life and the driver of my successes. My last year of using PICER products and taking Life Mechanics courses has totally changed my life and my understanding of what living means.

I was trained my entire life to believe that if I worked hard, and worked smart, I would succeed and be happy with my life. I studied hard throughout my academic years, and graduated from business school with acoveted job in brand management (marketing) in a top-tier company. I workedhard to be promoted quickly through the ranks, but these successes did notbring a sense of fulfillment or happiness. I was chasing this career to be recognized in this world as a successful career woman, to prove myself. Through PICER, I learned that the life I led was just an enactment of my program, my DNA, that dictates not only my looks and future diseases, but that it also dictates my successes, and failures. I was not really the steward, my inherent program was. But, through the use of the products, I had a chance to possibly alter my program and lead a different path.

Was my current program leading me down a path of true happiness? So far, I hadn't felt that way. The harder I tried at work, the more proactive and aggressive I was at trying to deliver my annual targets at work, the worse my professional relationships became. The higher my title was, the greater my salary was, the more proud I felt about telling someone what I did for a living, the more lost I felt about life's purpose.

By stripping away my need to prove myself, to show others what I could achieve, I finally found freedom and courage to pursue a career where my hard work and efforts could truly be put to use in a positive way, tohelp the people around me, to help the greater community, and even humanity. In just over one month, I will be joining the PICER team full time. Ironically, the more secure I feel about my life now, and my future.

I sincerely thank PICER for this. I have been armed with a true understanding of how our world works (albeit still at a beginner). With that Knowledge, I can slowly, but actively, re-program my own DNA. Every mindset, or thought, that comes from me, can help to accomplish this. It seems like the smallest, most insignificant thing, but in fact, it is the power of a thought that can lead to the spread of happiness, or hurt, to the people in my life.

What I appreciate most about PICER is the neutrality of thisKnowledge - there is no right or wrong, my old program was not wrong, or bad in any way. Through re-programming, I can be happier, yet this is just a different path. With this perspective, I have learned to sincerely appreciate the friends and family closest to me, even appreciate the qualities that used to make me frustrated. PICER has given me a way to understand the people around me on a deeper level, through understanding myself and the workings of this world, allowing me to forge stronger relationships with everyone around me.

Someone once asked, so when is it "done"? When does it end? Well, I would ask in response, "Is there an end to the pursuit of life's happiness?" I wake up each morning now, looking forward to the day's adventure. And I know that this is only the beginning of my life's adventure.

Davian (May 24, 2011)

