Clara Wong, 46yrs, Hong Kong


A meeting that helped my life transform in a big jump happened in February, 2010 when I first met PICER seeing a sentence - “Can wechange our life?” - written on their leaflet. By then, I started attending their classes, using their products, learning energy viewing and understanding a concept about “how life works”, which is quite a new concept to me.

In my first customization session, they viewed my energy structure and noticed that my angry emotions have been affecting not only my sleep quality over the last twenty something years, but also my thought. Therefore, I looked back on myself when I was at the age of 15-21. Since my two brothers passed away successively, I constantly hysterically roared at “god” that why there were only suffering and separation in life. Death was the permanent separation and disappearance. I was extremely helpless and frustrated. I had endless accusations and complaints against “god”.

Since then, I chose to portray my life in a dejected, extreme and negative manner. I had been building walls around myself as aresult of not wanting to communicate with others because I was afraid of losing them in the end.

At the age of 30, I have already had surgery for thyroid tumour. I realized that anger and other complicated emotions have been affecting my body. Hence, I switched to suppress my emotions and started searching for life.

A few years later, when I was 35, the pain caused by frozen shoulder hit me. This time, the pain warned me that I had been really treating my body in an inappropriate manner and had not yet understood how life works. I then started searching for instructors of different religions and courses, and traveling a lot of places for answers.

Finally, at Tibet, I realized that searching for life is no tabout reaching out, but about learning to have a connection with our own soul and feeling as well as facing our life lessons with courage. Everyone comes to this world with different themes and roles to play and experience. There is no right or wrong about it. All experience leads us to the Oneness.

During these few months at PICER, I have witnessed and understood that I still have a lot of incorrect and negative logics towards my life. Through their reminder, understanding of how life works from classes and improvement of self-awareness, I find that I get a clearer mind and insight, am always willing to hold a positive attitude and have my sleep quality enhanced. Understanding the reasons behind anger, it is easier for me to appreciate people and things, and love my life more and more. I also have a new understanding about death that their loss does not mean a complete disconnection between us. Their love actually has never left our hearts.

With the use of *PCCM and GTI, my frozen shoulder and nerve pain have been improved. Thanks to my raised self-awareness, it is easier for me to be aware of angry emotions when they are about to start and I will choose to understand and figure out others’ motive and reason, avoiding judging others with my own emotions.

The transformations mentioned above, to me, are a very important sharing about life as I have been searching for the understanding ofhow life works. I believe that PICER can provide me with the answers I havebeen searching for. In addition, with the support and reminder from a group of members who have empathy, we learn life lessons from each other. I believe that the world would receive more truths about how life works from PICER and more people would be benefited.

*retired product, now replaced with T.I.E

