Belinda Wehner, Australia


So what is it I am experiencing here in Hong Kong? I am having a lot of trouble putting it into a concise description. This is an entirely new school of it scientific Buddhism, quantum physics, DNA research, mindfulness training or a form of conceptual yoga? For me it is all of this combined.

Despite being in a very big, hot noisey city, I feel more relaxed, calm, connected, and patient than I felt even in a Buddhist monastery. I am far less anxious, reactive and frustrated and therefore not as angry or aggressive when circumstances don’t go my way. Physically I have noticed my face and eyes have changed shape and colour without the redness and puffiness. Despite limited exercise, my ongoing neck pain has reduced, my tension in muscles and joints is minimal and my skin appears literally 5 years younger in just 3 weeks.

So I suppose this sounds like many of the benefits of a lengthy mindfulness detox yoga and meditation retreat. However the effects of such experiences are often fleeting and unless you make huge changes in your program in no time you are somewhat back to your old thinking patterns,stresses and reactivities.

However I am feeling like I have achieved more here in 3 weeks via understanding and reprogramming my energetic structure than I have achieved in over 10 years of such intensive workshops. By learning about the mechanics of life and how we are all linked to each other and the land we walk on, though our energetic DNA structure, we can understand that with this knowledge we can then interact with awareness. The ability to “change” then becomes accessible. Also acknowledging that many of our mindsets and the driving force behind how we react to certain situations is not actually in ou control, due to millions of years of evolution shaping our DNA structure. We inherit these mindsets, which is why it is so hard to change them…but with theright awareness and assistance in recoding our DNA, and deleting all the excess “data” we CAN change. And so then create the space to invite in new programs that will better serve us, each other, and the planet. The ultimate goal of any spiritual path.. to become more compassionate, caring and experience the true feeling of oneness.

It has been a wild ride, often I feel like Alice down the rabbit hole and I am only at the very tip of the ice berg in understanding, But I am grateful for the gift of being offered this experience by all those here walking the path and creating this vortex of energy to develop this new way of thinking and being, in a busy technological world.

As we all are….I am a work in progress…

7 September 2014

