Amy, 40+yrs, Executive, Hong Kong


Hello everyone! My name is Amy and I am from Hong Kong.  I would like to share my experiences and the changes in the last 6 years I have been with PICER.

It was year 2011 when I first came across PICER. I had some physical problems which could not be dealt with by Western medicine. I therefore, came to PICER through the introduction of a friend to see if there was anything which could help me. At that time, I had a haemangioma in brain which is a tumour formed by a group of excessive blood vessels.  As the tumor was bleeding, I lost consciousness, passed out and went into convulsions.  It was actually a stroke and I ended up staying in the stroke ward of a public hospital for a week. Because of the position of the tumour, surgery was not feasible.  The doctors could only prescribe anti-epilepsy drugs to me so that even if the tumour bleeds, I would not pass out and go into convulsions so easily.  As the tumor was bleeding, I lost consciousness, passed out and went into convulsions.  It was actually a stroke and I ended up staying in the stroke ward of a public hospital for a week. Because of the position of the tumour, surgery was not feasible.  The doctors could only prescribe anti-epilepsy drugs to me so that even if the tumour bleeds, I would not pass out and go into convulsions so easily.  However, the tumour still exists and has not been treated while the drugs brought me many side effects, including difficulty in concentrations and judging distance, causing many problems in daily life.  Besides haemangioma, I suffered from deep vein thrombosis as well, which is caused by blood clotting in deep vein. The clotting occurred in one of my thigh and led to severe pain. I was not able to walk at all and had to rely on wheel chair for almost a month. During my rehabilitation stage, I had to use crutches to assist walking. Because of the clotted blood, my leg had become heavy and swollen without any strength. I had to put on compression stocking to facilitate the blood circulation and also lean on crutches to support walking. Therefore when I first came to PICER, I was in crutches.  For treating the problem, the doctor prescribed me with anticoagulant drugs for thinning the blood. This treatment relied on using my own blood to dissolve the clotted blood.  Because of all these health problems and the mutually conflicting treatments (i.e. the treatment for my leg calls for thinning of blood but the brain tumour actually requires thicker blood) that might easily led to bleeding of the brain tumour, I started coming here to try to improve my conditions by using customized products to deal with the magnetic field emitted by my body.  I also started attending the Symposium to learn about their understanding of life and how life works.

Eventually, it is their understanding of life that attracted me to stay with Picer. Their explanation about life fascinated me. Ever since I was at primary school, I kept asking my parents why I exist in this world? What is the meaning of life? And why do I need to exist?  Although I have a religious background, I feel that there are questions unanswered. PICER however, has a very comprehensive understanding of life.  It is fascinating as it offers a new angle, a new understanding to the causes and reasons behind different situations. I feel that I am beginning to find some answers and so I stay.

In these few years, I kept on trying to improve myself to be a better person by learning how life works and understanding my own mindsets.  I found it particularly useful when PICER started having workshops in China in 2016, i.e. in Bama and Weizhou island. I have been to Bama Workshop three times and Weihzhou Workshop once. I found them all very effective, not only made me better understand my own mindsets and characters, but also had a drive to improve and change these mindsets.  During the past few years, even though I was not as sensitive as those who would feel electric currents passing through their bodies, nor having special or miraculous experiences when using products, many aspects of my life have changed.  

First of all, in terms of health, I have stopped taking Western medicine such as the anti-epilepsy drugs and there have not been any convulsions.  Regarding my leg, I can now go hiking or running. I have not been seeing Western doctors for a number of years as well. There was once that I had a severe ulcer at throat with continuous fever at 102 degrees for a few days.  The doctor advised that I should be hospitalized for intravenous injections of anti- biotics.  I still did not take any drugs but used PICER ’s way and I recovered just within one week. So, in terms of health, I have a very big change.

In terms of work, previously I would always be posted to jobs where the workload was very heavy, often having to work overtime until 9 or 10 pm at night. I would also come across supervisors who were picky and picking on me.  However, for the last few years, I was assigned to a post with relatively reasonable workload and can often leave office on time. I no longer need to work overtime until 9 or 10 pm. My supervisors have changed several times, but were all easy to get along with and they acknowledged my work and have high regard of my performance. My work life has become so much easier.

There have been some major changes in life also.  In short, my life has become smooth and easy that I have not yet get used to it. For example, I wanted to move out and rent an apartment. When I was on the way to visit an apartment with the property agent, I bumped into a person in the lift. In this 1 minute’s time, this stranger turned out to be a landlord who has just finished renovating his apartment and would like to let it out but haven’t started to put it in the market yet.  Eventually, he rent his apartment at a very reasonable price to me and the location suits me well.  He even let me have a rent-free period for 6 weeks as per my request so that I have enough time to pack.  I wanted a washing machine and the landlord bought one for me which was brand new and a famous European brand. Later on, I wanted to have cats.  I went to a pet shop which has two very expensive cats, a breed which is very trendy. They were sold to me at almost half price. When I wanted to rent a mini store, I came across one which was almost half price and at a location very suitable to me too. There was no deposit required and the rent only started when I moved in my stuff.

So, in fact my life is well coordinated now and I am very grateful!  In the past, I have depression issue to the extent of wanting to commit suicide. Now my life has become so much easier that even my friends can tell that I am so much happier. The new products as a result of many years of painstaking research of the PICER Institute have been able to deal with my structure with increasing effectiveness. Furthermore, they have no reservation in sharing with us their understanding of life. I am a real beneficiary and there are many benefits. I am indeed very grateful, and hope many others can get to know PICER Institute to learn about their understanding of life mechanic. If one has a genuine determination to change, there will be results beyond imagination. I hope more people would have the patience, perseverance and grace to come to PICER Institute. Thank you so much everyone for allowing me to share here!!

14 November 2017

