Clara Wong, Hong Kong


I highly appreciate having the opportunity to participate in the Amita Bama workshop in October 2015. Amazingly letting me have the chance to feel andwitness how R&D's 24 hours of physical effort and the usage of the"concepts" that we have learnt. Experiencing their very being of care, tenderness and standard to support and take care of the team and all the participants. Enabling me to experience, understand and feel the subtleties and the effects of the use of the "concepts". I also believe that becauseof "Bama", this place that has a lot of "anti-matter energy", enabled me, a very obstinate, extreme and self-blaming structure to have the chance to pause, to gain a deeper understanding on how to jump out of this old program, with the goal of improving this structure. Maybe this shift enabled me to download some new programs and understanding, allowing me the opportunity to start a new program to improve myself, because I became aware of how the old program has driven me and my whole life to be unhappy, to suffer and fail. All of the above mentioned experiences, lessons and understanding happened after David, R&D team explained and shared about the study of Bama, the land and its resources that led me to have these new insights.

In particular part of the itinerary that would like to emphasis is the R&D team guiding us to view how the different kinds of energy in the "hundred demon cave" keep feeding us and causing our structures to become more complex, and their interpretation of an energy viewing according to the “concepts”  that "we are God, and we are ghosts  " this really broadened our perspective, reminding us that we should interpret through the energy perspective, alerting how our daily life's actions are driven by different kinds of complicated energy.

Asthis unique teaching workshop uses the above format to guide, interpret through learning from the energy perspective of the concepts, I believe that only Amita's R&D team can provide this service. So I sincerely hope that more people can participate in this workshop, because it is an extremely rare,unique experience and learning to improve our own structure.

October 2015

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