Byron Lam, Hong Kong


Bama is a totally unfamiliar place to me, I only knew that it is well known as a longevity village in the Zhuang autonomous region of Guangxi province. It isindeed a very unique place. As the research team had already spent a few months carrying out research there, the moment I heard that Amita Institute was going to hold their first workshop in Bama, I immediately registered with my Gene-sys colleagues, as I did not want to miss this great opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the research results and findings of the research team as wellas learning a little bit more about Bama. At the Bama workshop, the research team, in addition to sharing with us their research results and leading us through their research process, they also took us on field trips to explain tous the specialty of each spot, and their role and function from an energy perspective. Through their research, they have gained the understanding tha tthe energy released by the land of Bama has a positive effect on improving our structure.

Stucture-wise, I am a person who is rather 'stiff'. When I was in Bama, I did not feel much difference. However, after returning to Hong Kong, I experienced the following changes: (1) I am a person with high anxiety, I care about everything and also worry about everything. After coming back to Hong Kong from Bama, my anxiety reduced significantly (2) during those times, when I try to improve on my mindsets and calm down my emotions, my thinking was a lot more clearer and focused compared to before; and (3) in areas where I used to experience bodily discomforts, like neck pain causing head discomfort, and soreness in the knee joints, etc., have also shown signs of improvement.

Bama is a very special place, so I decided within just two months, to participate the second time in the workshop, hoping to learn more, and gain a little more experience and understanding of this mysterious Bama.

October 2015

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