Xi'an Workshop

Would you like to come to China and find outhow its land and history is linked to you?

Would you like to discover how important you really are in bringing about a change in the world today?

It seems when people come together at a certain time and place something Extra-Ordinary and Life-Changing can happen.

Our personal growth can take a leap forward!

Our Institute has been doing very exciting research for 20 years now and have understood what seems to be creating illness and unhappiness in people. We welcome you to experience this research now, many years before it is widely available to the rest of the world. We have some very innovative ideas, methods and solutions that seem to be working for many people. At the workshop our Research team will select the sites suitable for the energy work to take place. We will then travel together to these sites and do the energy work.

We think learning, experience and fun are not separate from each other.

You can meet new friends whoyou never knew you were linked to.

You can learn how to see and understand the energy that affects your day today life.

We recognise that each individual is unique, as nature made us. Nothing in this world is duplicated.

In this workshop you will be treated uniquely. This is the craft we strive for, just like sculpturing a beautiful work of art. We see every participant as a work of art, requiring personal care and attention.

Previous workshop participants have reported many benefits:-

Emotions became less intense and calmer

Thinking became more flexible and mindful of others

Feeling more at peace with friends and family

An improvement to health issues, and an overall emotional and physical wellness and balance.

Learn new life principles

Learn “how” to change

Receive leading-edge treatments

Visit ancient sites

Experience a new culture and its beauty

Have amazing food

Stay at a superior hotel

Have a lot of fun

All in one workshop!

For dates and registration of upcoming workshops please visit our events‍ page.