
Case Analysis and Consultation

Case-by-case consultation and analysis is performed by our Research and Development team members, who study and deconstruct in great detail what causes any given phenomenon.  Our team identifies pertinent cognitive codes, then goes through the process of interpreting, deciphering then analysing these cognitive codes in order to understand the root of what is formulating any given situation or condition.

Upon such extensive analysis of each individual case, recommendations of customised solutions are presented.  To us, life is very much like a minefield; however, nothing is ever a problem. Every situation or reaction can be deconstructed to “conscious data program level” as well as “human action / interaction” level.  By presenting a situation in both levels, recommendations of simultaneous multi-level solutions can be considered, clear directions can be provided on acquiring optimal outcomes or results, and more importantly, risks could be prevented when it is known where they may lie.