
Quantum Re-programming

Through our unique method of re-programming, we are able to access the DNA messaging system and re-educate the cells of the organs to reduce their toxic thinking patterns. This allows the body to stablise itself naturally and bring balance back to our emotional, physical & mental wellbeing.

Our understanding is that life is a package, nothing is ever separate. Whether it be emotional stability, having a positive outlook, a healthy body, steady finances, or peaceful relationships; all aspects are connected and one cannot be well without the other. In fact, this is the true meaning of holistic wellness and the key to living a healthy lifestyle.

Face Re-programming Treatment

We have found that our DNA emits emotions that have been stored and passed along to us through our genes from many past generations. Our unique method can trace back to the root of these emotions to re-program the mindset within the cells of the facial muscles, bones & ligaments where we are able to access the organs and bodily systems in bringing about a more optimised state to our physical appearance, as well as to our overall health.

Benefits of this unique treatment:

  • Enhanced facial symmetry, optimising facial proportions

  • Noticeably smoother lines, wrinkles & reduced signs of aging

  • Toning, firming & lifting effect

  • Smoother texture & brighter skin tone

  • More radiant & luminous eyes

  • Brings more clarity in perception & harmony to interpersonal relationships

  • Feeling of calmness & emotional stability

  • More neutral & positive outlook

  • Improved quality of sleep

  • Initiate cells to generate a new program of youth

Face and Body Re-programming Treatment

We have found that our DNA emits emotions that have been stored and passed along to us through our genes from many past generations. Our unique method can trace back to the root of these emotions to re-program the mindset within the cells of the body that cause us to experience unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, frustration and stress. By working on the associated muscle groups of these mindsets, we are able to optimise the function of the bodily systems and help to bring about a new program of youth. We are in fact neutralizing the root cause of aging.

Benefits of this unique treatment:

  • Brighter skin tone

  • Noticeably smoother lines, wrinkles & reduced signs of aging

  • Enhanced facial symmetry, optimising facial proportions

  • Brings more clarity in perception & harmony to interpersonal relationships

  • Facilitate more clear-minded expression with others

  • Help to minimize pre-conditioned hereditary issues

  • Alleviate emotions that lead to anxiety, frustration & stress

  • Minimize muscle fatigue and pain

  • Improved quality of sleep

  • Feeling of calmness & emotional stability

  • Initiate cells to generate a new program of youth

Hand Re-Programming Treatment

The hands are an essential gateway to our complex bodily systems as they reflect the mindsets & emotions with which we perform and carry out our daily tasks. These emotions emit frequencies from the internal organs carrying minute amounts of damaging radiations through every muscle, bone, tendon and ligament, causing us to have anxieties and negative tendencies which accelerate the aging process.

This uniquely designed Hand Treatment combines our specially formulated Code Infusion Essential Lotion and a precise skill carried out by our re-programming technicians, in helping to neutralize these radiations. This technique promotes the rejuvenation of cells, enhances overall wellbeing, and helps the hands to find their youthful appearance once again.

Benefits of this unique treatment:

  • Helps to reprogram the mindsets within each muscle, bone, ligament & tendon in the hands, fingers & nails  

  • Neutralize the frequencies of radiation causing negative emotions & premature aging  

  • Reconditions protruding bones and veins in the hands

  • Relief of swollen & painful joints in hands & fingers.

  • Restores the softness of hands to regain their youthful touch & appearance

  • Strengthen, smoothen & brighten nail surface.

  • Reduce anxieties, frustrations & feelings of impatience related to work.

  • More emotional stability & overall sense of wellbeing.  

Client Feedback

Client Feedback

Arnaldo Vilas, Macau

After receiving the face reprogramming once or twice there was in fact little difference in feeling, it was not clear what the specific changes were. Then in the last month (December), when I recalled what happened in 2016, I slowly found that both my work and interpersonal relationships were unknowingly becoming better than before. Although I would still need to work overtime from time to time to complete a lot of work in a short time, it was better than before, the problems encountered were less than before. More obvious also was that some of the work in the past was more prone to problems, and in this year there are no difficult things to deal with. This is my feeling about why I do the face reprogramming. Thank you friends for your help.

Irene Li, Hong Kong

I have been receiving regular treatments here, and lately the new reprogramming treatments ever since being introduced to this amazing product line about 7 months ago. I suffered front Rosacea on the face since 2 years with redness, small pimples and a scorched sunburnt feeling from time to time. The doctor could not find a cure. But amazingly with en:code it has come to heal and I can pick up a normal lifestyle again, thanks to the patience and treatment by the staff members. I don't just simply view it as a skin deep beauty product. It heals deep from inside your body and mindset. I am happy to talk to anyone who wishes to know my experience.

Marilyne Kohn, USA

After suffering from neck & shoulder pain for many years, an MRI showed that I had multiple bulging discs in my neck. I spent the next 3 yrs doing dozens of physical therapies, yoga, massage, alternative healing methods & experimenting with pain medication. I tried anything I could to calm the pain down, but nothing worked for more than a day. My health also became quite complicated from the side effects of the medication the doctors kept recommending me to take. The reprogramming technicians explained that their treatments work on the root cause of the pain, which I had never heard before. This made me very happy & hopeful :) After receiving my first treatment I understood what they meant. During the treatment it felt like my whole nervous system and body was being relieved from years of suppressed pain & emotions. Every muscle in my body was able to completely relax and I fell into a deep sleep. I've experienced 85% less pain since beginning my treatments here. My emotions are calmer, my thoughts are less active, more clear, and I seem to have smoother relationships with people. I'm very grateful to have found this treatment all the way from my hometown of Los Angeles, California. Thank you team! Thank you so very much for giving me a new hope!!!

Angela Chiu, Macau

Angela reprogram.jpg

After I finished the Face and Body Reprogramming treatment, I feel that I am less tired, more relaxed, and happier.

In my everyday life, communication with others is more gentle and smooth, I am changing from inside out, it makes life much more easy and smooth, and less aggressive. I used to be in a hurry, and now I always remind myself to go slower. Being a human is very complicated, I am looking forward to changing, but it's not easy. The Face and Body Reprogramming treatment can help me step forward with the changes I am working on.

Rubi Leung, Hong Kong

After receiving the reprogramming treatment i felt instantly lighter, like a relief from the burdens and pressures on my mind & body. The relief is lasting for a long time, which seems related to my change of whole feelings from deep down. I feel more clear about looking back on my unhealthy thinking patterns and spend less time struggling to jump out from the loops of negative emotions. I am more calm and clear to see the big picture of things, that helps alot to be easier to feel relaxed, less aggressive but more focusing and enjoying of my work. And I am more clear and able to analyze problems of interactions with others, and feel less afraid to speak up, after that some relationships do start to improve. Nice now I am more able to feel happy and enjoyment, appetite has improved too. Also, physically my shoulders and upper back feel stronger. Actually for over a month I had constant pain and pressure around the eyes area which reduced by more than half instantly after the treatment, the area and whole face has been looking much nicer, also skin being smoother and looking brighter.