
Photon Induced Reciprocal Therapy (P.I.R.T)

From our 18 yrs of research, we have observed that we each have a conscious program. This program is made up of electronic data which has been manifested through the past actions and emotions of our ancestors. The emotions and past actions of our ancestors carry a force and a momentum that is still very much active in our current existence today,  and is constantly downloading its very effects into our daily lives. This constitutes a major factor that directs our current emotions and thinking patterns through all of our activities at a cellular level.

Such forces are not only affecting the functionality of our organs and bodily systems, but they also contribute to a warped sense of perception of our daily happenings, and may cause us to take extreme measures which are not warranted. As a result of our irrational decisions and actions, we are left with a series of consequences that will compile over time and complicate our lives, and most often leaves us suffering in the long run.

In working with these forces and to help better manage our perceptions, our Engineers have devised codes we project at “in – out points” throughout the body, that we have identified to be the channels through which these past data are being downloaded.

Using the effects of reciprocality, we direct our meticulously devised codes back towards the conscious programs as compiled by our ancestral pool of activities, attempting to help neutralise the forces in action.

As a result, the person will be more poised, resulting in a finer equilibrium throughout his/her emotional outlook and be able to cultivate a more balanced psychological profile.

Because of this change of instruction at the cellular communication level, we can experience a healthier body, mind & spirit.

Client Feedback

William Tang, 36yrs old

In the past 2 weeks, I have been having terrible tooth pain due to the the filling of my tooth falling out, causing an infection in my cavity. The pain was unbearable. I wasn’t able to chew or even get out of bed. Painkiller was the only thing that could help me at the time. After the viewing analysis from oir R&D team, they recommended me to do P.I.R.T. to help with my pain and the related mindsets that are resulting in the pain. I did not notice any difference after the 1st session, but after the 2nd session, the pain was 90% gone! The pain further reduced after the 2nd session. A big thank you to the R&D team and to the P.I.R.T. technicians who helped with my session!

25th July 2017

Miss Cheng, 40+yrs, Therapist

I can feel after receivingthe PIRT, my skin quality  has improved and has a  smoother feel to it. My eyes are looking brighter and at the same time my body feels lighter.

Miss Lee, 30+yrs, Clerk

After thePIRT,  my emotions are  more stable and myeyes are looking bigger.

Mr Yu,  40+yrs, Member of Service Industry

After thePIRT,  I can feel a lightness in my feet.

Miss Liu,40+yrs, Clerk

After the PIRT, myemotions are more stable.