
Cognitive Data Profile Analysis

After 20 years of relentless efforts dedicated to behind-doors clinical research of communication between elements at the consciousness level, taking place inside every molecular structure, we believe we have come to a relatively comprehensive understanding and working knowledge behind the complex program that engineers the patterns of life happenings, from ill-perceptions and disharmony in relationships, to the disintegration and decay of our bodily cells, as well as uncontrollable turbulent emotions such as anxiousness, nervousness, depression and aggression.  

The Cognitive Data Profiling Analysis is a scan where codes, which make up our subconscious as well as conscious self, are deciphered, profiled and analysed, and are presented to understand how they make up every aspect of a person's life. This Profiling Analysis interprets the contents of what causes and formulates a person’s character, particularly the points that are related to what could cause the downfall of a person's life – including adverse effects on health, interpersonal relations, career, family relationships, as well as others' perceptions and reactions towards us, which propel a certain future path for us. This scan can also identify areas with high tendency for severe issues, even crises, including those that are dormant yet have the potential risk of causing fatality.

Cognitive Data Profiling Analysis is a craft; our Engineers are trained for years to become proficient as it is a specialised skill mastered to visually depict minute electromagnetic data emitting from our bodily cells.